Think!, the government’s road safety campaign, has launched a new ad to show the amount of information that is missed by people when they’re looking at their phones.
The 90-second film begins with a fast-moving shot of a busy roadside as it would be seen from a car, lasting 2.3 seconds. The viewer is then asked via on-screen text, “Did you see the pink kitten?
”The rest of the running time is a slowed down version of the first two seconds, in which it is revealed that the scene is dotted with images of pink kittens – 100 in total. But the one that really matters is being held by a young girl in the arms of her mother, who is about to be hit by a driver looking at his phone.
It’s one of those adverts that really strikes a chord with everyone and demonstrates that a 2 second lapse in concentration could be fatal when you’re driving. It’s definitely a scare tactic advert, but certainly one that is needed and should be shown to every driver.
The media loves this stunt, it’s effective, interesting and important, so of course it’s going to get coverage!